Creating for humans,
not consumers
I work with (not for) people and brands, who care for society and the environment. This goes beyong CSR reports and greenwashing. This is about sustainability, social values and moving experiences.
I see it as my duty to treat the resources consumed by design and its results responsibly. This requires specific solutions and concepts. Each project therefore offers a new challenge to find a balance between economic interests, social fairness and ecological goals.
As a designer, I have commited my work to the principle of sustainability. This includes the reflective use of resources, cooperative interaction and the awareness of one's own ecological, social and economic responsibility. Regionally and globally.
My two main states of being

business mode

cycling mode
Balancing digital and analog
Vienna based, Styria raised. I enjoy living and working in the most livibale city. As a digital native I still find inspiration in the offline world.
When not working in design, I'm exploring the world with my bike. Check out my cycling clothing brand Blutjung.
That's me

Brand Identity
Concept / Strategy / Logo / Stationary / Brand Guidelines
Editorial / Packaging / Book / Poster
Website / Social Media
Orientation and Guidance Systems / Exhibition and Event Graphics
Sustainability Reports / Guides / Documents on Stakeholder Dialogue
My focus in design is value-based communication. Respect for people and the environment is an inetgral part of my work.

Caring about the details
My love for refined aesthetics, conceptual design lead by intuition and expressive typography underpins all of my work. I strive to create timelines design, giving brands a strong voice and unique story through visual communication.